Target Group|Occupations|Curricula|Teachers|Costs|Application|Completion|
The Internal Audit and Governance programme was launched as a response to the necessity to implement the international standards and legal requirements of the field, ensuring the training and professional development of professionals with the aim of improving the efficiency of internal organizational processes and activities.
Internal audit represents a valuable management instrument for public and private sector entities that contributes to raising the efficacy and efficiency of governance processes, risk management and internal review systems. Optimizing internal audit in public, as well as private, organizations leads to the improvement of their decisional capacity, by developing their human capital and internal structure. Thus, audit structures become directly subordinated to the highest hierarchical levels of institutions as a result of the reliable recommendations they offer. Audit activities are nationally and internationally regulated, being based on clear standards, procedures and techniques.
Internal audits also play a key role in risk exposure evaluations concerning organizational governance, informational operations and systems, as well as European project implementation.
The growing concern for the definition, implementation and control of internal organizational processes relying on modern management precepts concerning risk management translates to new strategic approaches of governance processes, which further lead to accomplishments in line with stakeholder and shareholder expectations.
The development of corporative governance structures becomes thus a priority for public institutions, in their mission to provide high-quality services to the public. Therefore, the necessity to improve the governance processes in order to reach strategic goals in the current macroeconomic context represents a reason for the continuation of societal reforms.
The Internal Audit and Governance programme successfully complements the strategic priorities set by the Ministry of Public Finance concerning the improvement of the quality and relevance of internal audit and governance processes.