Learn about public integrity, anti-fraud and anti-corruption policies through a master’s programme created at the initiative of The Faculty of Public Administration, NUPSPA, with the support of Transparency International Romania!
Public Integrity and Anti-corruption Policy is a master’s programme that takes on an emerging challenge for the Romanian labor market, but one that has been well-researched in the west-European space, having a prominent applicative dimension while at the same time providing avenues for personal and professional development.
Training specialists in the field of conformity policy seeks the development of competences and abilities specific to public integrity as well as anti-fraud and anti-corruption policy, in order to better situate them in key-functions in public and private organizations concerned with security and integrity. These qualifications will make them suited to assist and promote measures designed to avoid vulnerability in the domains of public integrity, anti-fraud and anti-corruption policy. This programme was accredited by ARACIS in 2015.
The programme is addressed to administrative science, law or economic science graduates in order to complete their first cycle in the Bologna system. At the same time, we encourage the enrollment of public sector employees that are currently working in ethics counselling, internal managerial control, audit and supervision, as well as private sector workers that activate in public-listed medium-sized to large enterprises and work in fields related to audit, internal supervision, corporate public affairs or quality management. Of course, any other individuals interested in the fields are welcomed to enroll.
- The use of fundamental concepts and principles related to anti-corruption policies;
- The practical and theoretical knowledge of incidental legal dispositions regarding the prevention and eradication of corruption;
- The oral and written communication skills required for the structured communication of issues regarding strategic planning and anti-corruption policy;
- The capacity for rapid identification and resolution of problems associated with the practices of corruption prevention and eradication;
- The capacity to correctly identify the organizational context in which to apply fraud and corruption-prevention plans and related measures at the organizational level;
- The management of issues concerning anti-corruption reform dedicated to economic agents and public institutions;
- The capacity to identify, analyze and explain corruption problems that appear in the globalization process;
- The knowledge of national and supranational juridical limits to anticorruption policies;
- Expertise in organizing the logical framework for strategic planning in the fight against fraud and corruption.
For us, the competitiveness of our graduates on the job market represents a continuous pursuit.
Studying at The Faculty of Public Administration will help our students:
- identify and solve problems regarding legislation enforcement, principles and best practice in the field of corruption prevention and elimination;
- identify the organizational context in which to apply measures dawn up in fraud and corruption avoidance plans;
- research the national and supranational juridical limits of anticorruption policy
- manage problems and issues pertaining to anti-corruption reform regarding economic agents and public institutions, including the ones generated in the globalization process;
- organize the logical framework for strategic planning in the fight against fraud and corruption and for developing the capacity for efficient allocation of resources, optimizing behavior and predictable decision-making;
- analyze the financial problems that public institutions face, with the aim of finding solutions for the financing of anticorruption policies.
The training in this field emphasizes transdisciplinary skills and includes subjects specific to areas such as law, management, economy and communication, to make sure that our graduates will acquire a 360⁰ coverage of the qualifications they will need on the labor market. At the same time, this will allow conformity policy specialists to have an integrating part to play in their field, as well as work together with other compartments and functions at the level of public and private organizations.
Faculty of Public Administration graduates can work in the following fields: public, national, and European institutions and authorities (state departments, ministries, city halls, prefectures, the national parliament, European Union institutions), national and multinational organizations, non-governmental or non-profit organizations, schools, high schools, universities, adult education centers, etc.
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters, 120 ECTS)
Type of education: full-time
Language: Romanian
First year classes (60 ECTS):
First-semester classes: Comparative analysis: Administrative Systems; Fundamental Rights to Transparency and Best Administration – Warranty Instruments and Mechanisms; Anti-corruption International Accords and Obligations.
Second-semester classes: Legality, Strategic Planning and Anti-corruption policy; Anti-corruption Conformity Policy; Anti-corruption Program Monitoring and Evaluation; The Economic Analysis of Corruption.
Second-year classes (60 ECTS)
First-semester classes: The Financing of Public Institutions; European Standards of Public Integrity; The Promotion of Public Integrity in an Organization; Internal Managerial Control; Internship.
Second-semester classes: Institutional Liability and Patrimonial and Commercial Risks Concerning Corruption; Individual Liability Concerning Corruption; Anti-fraud and Anti-corruption Structures; Methods and Guidelines for Dissertation Elaboration.