Specific qualifications
- Thorough exploration of the fundamental concepts relating to executive power and national public administration, providing the opportunity to grasp their specific character and the systemic connections between them;
- The study of the organization and functioning of public authorities;
- Analysis and diagnostic expertise concerning processes and phenomena specific to public authorities, the elaboration and implementing of public policy and government financial instruments;
- Superior employment of argumentation skills for analyzing public society facts, tendencies and models;
- The capacity to make transversal connections and identify complex relationships between events and specific data;
- The use of innovation in public decision-making through qualitative and quantitative methods;
- The capacity to elaborate and adapt policies, regulations and legal instruments to concrete social situations concerning public administration;
- Creative employment of complex evaluation methods and techniques and value-judgement elaboration in the ruling process;
- Management abilities acquired by teamwork on investment projects, along with complex research project elaboration skills;
- The capacity to understand executive power-public administration informational flows;
- The mindful usage of governmental resource planning documents;
- The skillful usage of management information technology in order to develop institutional functionality and make public sector activities more efficient;
- Acquire relevant knowledge about the public administration system and its decision-making and financial instruments!
This graduate programme offers a juridical, administrative and economic perspective for analyzing the public authority sector and the structures pertaining to it. Our students analyze administrative phenomena, the separation of powers, their interaction within a democratic state and the management and administration of public institutions in all their complexity.
Pursuing this degree will help develop competences in the field of juridical normativity, administrative procedure, sectorial public policy and sustainable development. At the same time, it will facilitate the better understanding of the relationship between citizens and public administration by offering insights into their current needs and expectations as members of a modern society.
Obtaining this master’s degree offers a level 7 qualification, in accordance with Government Ruling no. 918/2013.
Study in an academic environment where theory and practice complete each other!
The “Executive Power and Public Administration” programme emphasizes forming practical abilities of organizational and institutional administration, along with adequate theoretical insights.
The training offered by The Faculty of Public Administration helps students:
- become LEADERS and understand the mission of different organizations, public interest and ethics, while also gaining conflict resolution skills and learning to value diversity and multiculturalism
- be efficient MANAGERS, by learning to analyze organizational structures and processes, budgets and judicial norms
- value TEAMWORK and understand the need to be responsible
- INNOVATE, by familiarizing themselves with theories concerning the management of change, organizational experiment design and risk management
- learn how to RESEARCH, in order to make managerial projections, to analyze public opinion and elaborate public policy projects
- better COMMUNICATE, in order to understand and express the needs of the communities they represent
Faculty of Public Administration graduates can work in the following fields: public, national, and European institutions and authorities (state departments, ministries, city halls, prefectures, the national parliament, European Union institutions), national and multinational organizations, non-governmental or non-profit organizations, schools, high schools, universities, adult education centers, etc.
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters, 120 ECTS)
Type of education: full-time and part-time learning
Language: Romanian
First year classes (60 ECTS):
First semester: Public Administration System Analysis; Environmental Law and Sustainable Development; Financial law Institutions; Structures, Mechanisms and Administrative Institutions.
Second semester: Public Administration and Property Law; Local Autonomy; European Institutions; The Theory of Public Administration; Internship.
Second Year classes (60 ECTS)
First semester: Accounting and Audit of Public Institutions; Governmental Financial Instruments; Decision-making in Public Administration, Methods and techniques for writing the dissertation.
Second semester: Public Administration and Procedures; Human Resource Management in Public Administration; Sectorial Public Policy, Information Technology in Public Administration (e-administration)