Student housing in the NUPSPA dormitories will be made according to the Regulations concerning the organization and functioning of the NUPSPA Dormitories. Students will have to complete an online form or a physical form that will be submitted to the Social Department, depending on the case:
a) Summer housing
- applications can be submitted in the 01st of June -15th of July 2017 interval at the Social Department;
- fee: 280 lei/month;
- spots available in the Băneasa B1 dormitory.
Download the summer housing application.
b) Fall-Spring 2017-2018 housing
- applications can be submitted online here
- the deadline for application submission is 08.09.2017
- after taking the admission exam and enrolling, students can contact the Social Department in order to apply for housing.
Social cases files can be submitted in the following interval: 1st of June – 8th of September 2017, at the Social Department. All the details regarding the content of the files can be found in the Regulations concerning the organization and functioning of the NUPSPA Dormitories (p. 13)
The social file must contain a housing application, which can be downloaded here.
c) Housing during the admission examination period (10-24th of July 2017)
- candidates that wish to take the admission exam can be housed for free in the faculty’s Băneasa B1 Dormitory (Strada Biharia, nr. 12, Sector 1), within the capacity limit.
Companion can also be housed for a maximum of 2 nights, in exchange for a 10 lei/night fee that can be deposited in the following account: RO56BRDE445SV00358904450 BRD Victoriei.
After submitting your file for the admission exam, contact the Social Department for information and booking.
SNSPA, Bd. Expoziţiei, nr. 30 A, sector 1, Bucuresti, (ground level, central hallway)
Telephone: 0371 445 082
NUPSPA dormitories can house, within their capacity limit, students without prior disciplinary misconduct or overdue accommodation payments.
In the process of accommodation allocation, the Housing Committees will consider the following criteria
- prior year course average;
- current year of study – terminal year students have priority;
- prior behaviour (rule transgressions, the existence of complaints, overdue payments, etc.), in case the student has been accommodated in a dormitory in the former year.
- Foreign Romanian State scholarship students or other NUPSPA foreign students, within the limits and under the conditions set by the Board of Directors;
- Romanian orphan students and those coming from children's homes or family placement centers
- Students benefiting from social grants (with incomes below the minimum wage per family member), provided that they are enrolled in full-time education at the beginning of the academic year;
- Romanian students enrolled in full-time education, in state-subsidised positions, in the following order: final year students (3rd year of bachelor’s studies and 2nd year of master’s studies) and PhD students, followed by students from the previous years, accommodated in proportion to the number of applications submitted so that students from all study years are accommodated;
- Romanian Students in unsubsidised positions, in the order set forth in the previous paragraph.
In the process of housing students, the accommodation commissions will take into account the following criteria:
- the grade average obtained in the previous academic year;
- school year – priority given to those in the final years;
- if the student has been accommodated in a dormitory before, previous behaviour will be taken into account (existence of complaints, deviations from the regulations, overdue fees, etc.)