
Target Group|Occupations|Curricula|Teachers|Costs|Application|Completion|

Duration: 188 hours (4 months: classes - 3 months; project elaboration - 1 month)

ECTS: 27 credits 
Type of education: full-time

  • Time management
  • Project management and funding sources
  • Public and private procurement procedures. Rules and E-procurement basics
  • Bidding strategies. Anticompetitive strategies
  • Procurement contracts: operationalization and monitoring
  • Public procurement administrative litigation and anti-fraud mechanisms
  • Procurement processes audit
  • Public investments, leases and public-private partnerships

The Purchase Management programme curriculum is designed to approach, in an interdisciplinary manner, the legislative changes in public purchasing concerning contracting authorities (brought about by Law no. 99/2016 concerning sectorial procurements, Law no. 98/2016 concerning public procurements, Law no. 100/2016 concerning work and services concession, Law no. 101/2016 concerning public procurement, sectorial and concessional contract remedies and the organization and functioning of the National Council for Appeal Resolution), as well as the new legislative requirements applied to private beneficiaries involved in the process of European fund absorption (Order no. 1284/2016 concerning the endorsement of The competitive procedure for the assignment of supply, services or European funded project contracts applicable to private beneficiaries/contenders)