Research in higher learning institutions usually includes all the members of the academic community: teachers, students, PhD candidates or research-interested practitioners.
As a member of NUPSPA, The Faculty of Public Administration is one of its biggest research providers, as the ARACIS institutional evaluations (made in order to provide an hierarchy of higher learning institutions) can attest.
Our students are engaged in research clusters either formally, through research projects included in their specialization’s educational plans (both at undergraduate and graduate levels), or informally, through activities conducted by student research groups, research competitions (e.g. APEX – The “Excellence in Public Administration” Competition) or projects conducted in partnership with other public or private institutions (e.g. “The Future of the European Union” Competition, in partnership with Casa Europei, Cluj-Napoca).
Our faculty members participate in research projects financed by NUPSPA (e.g. Grants for young researchers, 2013), national organizations (e.g. UEFISCDI) or international organizations (e.g. The European Union, thorugh Jean Monet Acteon)
For the Faculty of Public Administration, scientific research in the field of administrative science represents a priority. We seek the development and consolidation of student and teacher individual and collective contributions to the dissemination of knowledge in the contemporary administrative space.
In this context, the following directions of action were defined:
- Identifying collaborative avenues in the European Research Area and initiating such ventures with the purpose of promoting research proposals and fundraising;
- Advancing international programs and developing educational and scientific partnerships with different organizations from Europe, The United States and other geographic spaces.
- Encouraging public and private research partnerships in order to promote the scientific products of our Faculty, to support research activity and its usage in national and international structures;
- Developing the Administrative Science Doctoral School, assuring its integration in excellent-level research structures and interdisciplinary studies, promoting national and international co-tutelage mechanisms;
- Reorganizing the Faculty’s educational offer in order to promote foreign-language teaching programmes (English, French, Spanish) and heightening student and PhD candidate training regarding research and scientific activity;
- Encouraging teacher and student community involvement in international research networks dedicated to the administrative sciences;
- Enhancing the Faculty’s research Centers activities and encouraging results dissemination through publishing;
- Emphasizing and capitalizing on the results of our institution’s scientific research during teaching, in order to enhance the attractivity of our educational programmes;
- Enhancing the visibility of scientific research towards the interested stakeholders and relevant areas, by disseminating the results of our research at relevant national and international conferences, workshops, roundtables, etc.
- Disseminating the results of our research to a large public by publishing in ISI Thomson-indexed open-access journals and other databases, as well as working with established publishers.
Several interdepartmental commissions and workgroups meant to support the development of research and the upholding of academic standards associated with excellency in research operate within the Faculty of Public Administration. The Quality Evaluation and Assurance Committee and The Ethics and Discipline Committee work to ensure that our faculty remains one of the most important components in the ensemble that defines The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration as a School of Government both nationally and internationally.