Graduate programmes available for the 2020-2021 academic year (full-time)
Administrative Science
Public Sector Management (RO)
Public Sector Management
Executive Power and Public Administration
European Public Space
European Administrative Studies
Public Integrity and Anti-corruption Policy
Public Affairs Management
Law and European Governing
Local Collectivities Law
Matriculation takes place at the ADMISSIONS OFFICE – IF 2019- Room 604, 6th floor, NUPSPA (Bld. Expoziției nr. 30A, sector 1, București).
During the matriculation period, the candidates that passed the admission examination and wish to enrol will deposit their bachelor’s degree in original at the secretariat office and they will acquit the matriculation fee. Candidates that were admitted on unsubsidized positions can matriculate only after paying the matriculation fee and the first instalment of their tuition.
If a candidate does not matriculate during the periods presented in the admission calendar, he will lose the position previously won through the admission examination.
For the 2020/2021 academic year:
- 2020 admission enrolment fee: 150 lei
- matriculation fee: 100 lei
- tuition for distance learning (FT): 3300 lei for the Romanian-language study programmes and 4000 lei for the English-language study programme (the first instalment must be payed by the 31st of October 2020; the second instalment must be payed by the 31st of January 2021; the third instalment must be payed by the 31st of May 2021)
In order to take the 2020 admission examination, interested persons have to submit an admission dossier (envelope file) at the 2020 ADMISSIONS OFFICE, which will contain the following:
- motivational letter
- baccalaureate diploma or equivalent (authenticated copy or original);
- bachelor’s degree diploma (certification, authenticated copy or original)
- birth certificate (copy);
- marriage certificate, in the case of candidates that changed their names after marriage, or name-changing certificate (copy);
- identity card (copy);
- medical certificate attesting the candidate is apt for enrolment in the programme (original)
- for full-time learning: receipt attesting the payment of the admission fee (150 lei). Teaching staff children are exempted from paying the admission fee. Therefore, in this case, the admission dossier should contain a certificate form the relevant parent’s workplace. Candidates that enrolled to the July 2020 admission examination for full time learning programmes will be exempted from paying the admission fee for the part time learning examination. Therefore, in this case, their admission dossier should contain a copy of the competition license used for the 2020 FT examination.
- 2 coloured passport-type photographs
* Admission fees, matriculation fees and tuitions ca be settled through payment order in The Faculty of Public Administration account: RO38BRDE445SV19964904450 (BRD, filiala Victoria București). Make sure to clearly state the candidate’s first and last names (for the Faculty of Public Administration, also fill in the FAP acronym) and the type of learning you wish to follow (FT for full-time learning).
The admission examination will consist of the evaluation of the motivational letter the candidate proposes in the graduate programme’s specific field.
For the Romanian language graduate programmes, the motivational letter will be written in the Romanian language, while for the “Public Sector Management” progamme, the essay will be written in the English language.
e-Masterat Programmes (part-time) for the 2020-2021 academic year
Public Sector Management (RO)
Executive Power and Public Administration
European Public Space
European Administrative Studies
Matriculation takes place at the ADMISSIONS OFFICE – IFR 2020 - Rooms 610 and 608, 6th floor, NUPSPA (Bld. Expoziției nr. 30A, sector 1, București).
During the matriculation period, the candidates that passed the admission can matriculate only after paying the matriculation fee and the first instalment of their tuition.
If a candidate does not matriculate during the periods presented in the admission calendar, he will lose the position previously won through the admission examination. A second session will be organized in September 2020 for the unoccupied places from the July 2020 admission session,
For the 2018/2019 academic year:
- 2020 admission enrolment fee: 100 lei
- matriculation fee: 100 lei
- tuition for part-time learning: 3300 lei (the first instalment must be payed by the 31st of October 2020 – 1100 lei; the second instalment must be payed by the 31st of January 2021– 1100 lei; the third instalment must be payed by the 31st of May 2021– 1100 lei)
In order to take the 2020 admission examination, interested persons have to submit an admission dossier (envelope file) at the 2020 ADMISSIONS OFFICE, which will contain the following:
- baccalaureate diploma or equivalent (authenticated copy or original);
- bachelor’s degree diploma (certification, authenticated copy or original)
- birth certificate (copy);
- marriage certificate, in the case of candidates that changed their names after marriage, or name-changing certificate (copy);
- identity card (copy);
- medical certificate attesting the candidate is apt for enrolment in the programme (original)
- for part-time learning: receipt attesting the payment of the admission fee (100 lei). Teaching staff children are exempted from paying the admission fee. Therefore, in this case, the admission dossier should contain a certificate form the relevant parent’s workplace. Candidates that enrolled to the July 2020 admission examination for full time learning programmes will be exempted from paying the admission fee for the part time learning examination. Therefore, in this case, their admission dossier should contain a copy of the competition license used for the 2018 FT examination (either July of September).
- 4 coloured passport-type photographs
- a written essay, according to the guidelines from the admission examination section
The admission contest average is calculated using the license thesis examination average (80%) and the written essay grade (20%). Students will be admitted to The Faculty of Public Administration in decreasing order of this average.
The academic essay should not exceed 10 pages (font: Times New Roman; line spacing: single) and should cover a subject that the candidate considers relevant for the chosen graduate programme. We recommend that in choosing the subject, the candidate analyses the educational plans and the discipline sheets afferent to the chosen master’s programme and uses previous research (for example, from the license thesis). It is mandatory that the essay have the following structure: Title page (candidate name, title); Contents (the list of sections and subsections, if they exist); Introduction, Section 1,2, …, Conclusion; Bibliography. To make sure sources are cited accordingly, the Chicago and Harvard citation styles may be used. In order to respect the work of other authors, please consult The Public Administration Faculty Anti-Plagiarism Guide.
Suggested bibliography (the candidates are encouraged to also study and use other relevant sources):
1. ALEXANDRU, Ioan (2008), Tratat de administratie publica, Editura Universul juridic, Bucuresti;
2. ALEXANDRU, Ioan (2012), Democratia constitutionala - utopie si/sau realitate, Editura Universul Juridic, Bucuresti;
3. ANDREI, Liviu C. (2011), Economie europeana, Editura Economica, Bucuresti;
4. ANDREI, Tudorel si colectivul (2008), Coruptia. O analiza economica si sociala, Editura Economica, Bucuresti;
5. BALAN, Emil si colectivul (2011), Buna administrare: de la viziune la actiune, Editura Comunicare.ro, Bucuresti;
6. CARAUSAN, Mihaela (2012), Drept administrativ, Editura Economica, Bucuresti;
7. DINCA, Dragos, DUMITRICA, Catalin (2010), Dezvoltare si planificare urbana, Editura Pro Universitaria, Bucuresti;
8. DINCA, Dragos (2012), Sistemul administrativ romanesc - inspiratie franceza si adaptare autohtona, Editura Economica, Bucuresti;
9. DRAGAN, C.M. (2009), Noile orizonturi ale contabilitatii institutiilor publice, Editura Universitara, Bucuresti;
10. GEORGESCU, Andrada Maria (2011), Administrarea finantelor publice si a bugetului, Editura Pro Universitaria, Bucuresti;
11. GRIGORESCU, Adriana, (2009), Practica managementului proiectelor, Editura Uranus, Bucuresti;
12. HAINES, Rosemarie (2009), Tipuri si tehnici de comunicare in organizatii, Editura Universitara, Bucuresti;
13. IANCU, Diana – Camelia (2010), Uniunea Europeana si administratia publica, Editura Polirom, Iasi;
14. IANCU, Diana – Camelia (2013), Local Reforms in Transitional Democracies, Editura Institutul European, Iasi;
15. MANDA, Cezar, MANDA, Corneliu (2008), Stiinta administratiei, Editura Universul Juridic, Bucuresti;
16. MATEI, Ani (2003), Economie publica. Analiza economica a deciziilor publice, Editura Economica, Bucuresti;
17. MATEI, Lucica (2009), Romanian Public Management Reform, Ed.Economica, Bucuresti;
18. POPESCU, Luminita Gabriela (2006), Administratie si politici publice, Editura Universul Juridic, Bucuresti;
19. POPESCU, Radu Razvan (2011), Dreptul muncii, Editura Universul Juridic, Bucuresti;
20. ZLATESCU, Irina (2008), Drepturile omului –un sistem in evolutie, ed. a 2-a, rev., Ed. IRDO, Bucuresti.
* Admission fees, matriculation fees and tuitions ca be settled through payment order in The Faculty of Public Administration account: RO77BRDE445SV12221584450 (BRD, filiala Victoria București). Make sure to clearly state the candidate’s first and last names (for the Faculty of Public Administration, also fill in the FAP acronym) and the type of learning you wish to follow (IFR for part-time learning).