- The improvement of knowledge in the field of planning, organization and coordination of the activities in the public sector and use of the specific language in communicating with other elements of the overall social environment.
- The study of the management of public institutions and authorities.
- The capacity to analyze and synthesize the processes and phenomena specific to the organization and functioning of public authorities.
- The use of field knowledge for approaching and clarifying newly created situations in the public service quality assurance process.
- The capacity to make transversal connections and to identify the complex relations between specific events and data.
- The use of innovation in the decision-making processes within the public sector by applying qualitative and quantitative methods.
- The capacity to act independently and creatively in approaching and solving problems, to objectively and constructively assess critical states, to solve problems in a creative manner, and to demonstratively communicate results.
- The creative usage of complex assessment methods and techniques in the management and evaluation process.
- The capacity to lead and to work in a team, applying mixed techniques of assessing public policies.
- The capacity to elaborate complex research projects by means of developing investment project management and project team-work skills.
- The capacity to draw up an integrated public management plan for institutional programmes and projects
For us, the competitiveness of our graduates on the job market represents a continuous pursuit.
Studying at The Faculty of Public Administration will help our students:
- become LEADERS and understand the mission of different organizations, public interest and ethics, while also gaining conflict resolution skills and learning to value diversity and multiculturalism
- be efficient MANAGERS, by learning to analyze organizational structures and processes, budgets and judicial norms
- value TEAMWORK and understand the need to be responsible
- INNOVATE, by familiarizing themselves with theories concerning the management of change, organizational experiment design and risk management
- learn how to RESEARCH, in order to make managerial projections, to analyze public opinion and elaborate public policy projects
- better COMMUNICATE, in order to understand and express the needs of the communities they represent
Faculty of Public Administration graduates can work in the following fields: public, national, and European institutions and authorities (state departments, ministries, city halls, prefectures, the national parliament, European Union institutions), national and multinational organizations, non-governmental or non-profit organizations, schools, high schools, universities, adult education centers, etc.
Duration: 2 years (4 semesters, 120 ECTS)
Type of education: full-time and part-time learning
Language: Romanian
First year classes (60 ECTS)
First-semester classes: Administrative Law of Goods; Bases of Public Sector; Public Marketing; Public Sector Quality Management.
Second-semester classes: Strategies for e-Government; Management of Non-profit Organizations; Economic Analysis of Public Decision; Negotiation Principles and Tactics.
Second-year classes (60 ECTS)
First-semester classes: Strategic Resources for Public Sector Finance; Accounting and Audit of Public Institutions; Public Financial Management; Methods and Guidelines for Dissertation Elaboration; Internship.
Second-semester classes: Public Policy Analysis for Managers; Consultancy, Design and Evaluation of Programs for the Public Sector; Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods in the Public Sector; Public Organizations and the Management of Human Resources; Project Management for Public Sector Investments; Comparative Analysis in the Public Sector.