European Public Space


Study the complexity of the European Union and the European integration process though an interdisciplinary approach!

Take part in a program organized 4 Jean Monnet (European Commission) modules, which seeks the thorough exploration of three distinct fields: administrative science, management and economy and international relations.

You will gain relevant knowledge regarding the European Union organization, functioning, reforms, economic, fiscal, monetary and social policy. Also, you will understand the European security architecture and its implications on the expansion of the Europeaan administrative space.

Succesfully develop a career in the European Parliament, the European Comission, The Social and Economic Committee or any other European institution.

Study in the only Romanian Faculty of Public Administration that offers complete university training in administrative science (bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree)


  • Thourough knowledge in the field of the European Union and specific language usage in communicating with other european space elements.
  • The study of European Union policy.
  • The capacity to anayze and synthesize specific processes and phenomena relating to the functioning of European Institutions, as well as to the career of the European public servant.
  • The employment of specific knowledge in approaching and clarifying emerging situations concerning the European budgetary process European institution audit.
  • The capacity to form transversal connections and identify complex relationships between events and specific facts concerning the European Security and Defense Policy and the European Common Security Policy.
  • The use of innovation in the decision-making process of European institutions through qualitative and quantitative methods
  • The capacity to act creatively and independently in approaching and solving the problems regarding European governance systems and to objectively and constructively evaluate European social environment critical states.


For us, the competitiveness of our graduates on the job market represents a continuous pursuit.

Studying at The Faculty of Public Administration will help our students:

- become LEADERS and understand the mission of different organizations, public interest and ethics, while also gaining conflict resolution skills and learning to value diversity and multiculturalism

- be efficient MANAGERS, by learning to analyze organizational structures and processes, budgets and judicial norms

- value TEAMWORK and understand the need to be responsible

- INNOVATE, by familiarizing themselves with theories concerning the management of change, organizational experiment design and risk management

- learn how to RESEARCH, in order to make managerial projections, to analyze public opinion and elaborate public policy projects

- better COMMUNICATE, in order to understand and express the needs of the communities they represent


Faculty of Public Administration graduates can work in the following fields: public, national, and European institutions and authorities (state departments, ministries, city halls, prefectures, the national parliament, European Union institutions), national and multinational organizations, non-governmental or non-profit organizations, schools, high schools, universities, adult education centers, etc.


The “European Public Space” programme was launched in 2002 with the support of the European Union and the JEAN MONNET program. It is the faculty’s master’s programme wich offers JEAN MONNET classes (“European Union Policy and Public Management Reform” and “The Eastern Expansion of the European Administrative Space”, taught by professor Lucica Matei). The Programme is tought in partnership with the International Relations and European Integration Department, NUPSPA.

First Year Classes (60 ECTS)

First-semester classes: Intercultural Communication; The Role of International Organization in the Context of Globalization; European Union Regional Policy; European Union Administrative Structures, Mechanisms and Institutions.

Second-semester classes: Financial Control and Audit in the European Union; European Economy; European Union Policy and Public Management Reform; Budgetaru Progress and European Fiscal Policy; Internship.

Second year Classes (60 ECTS)

First-semester classes: Institutional Overview in the European Union; Public Policy and European Governance; European Social Policy; European Governance Systems.

Second-semester classes: Eastern Expansion of the European Administrative Space; European Security and Defence Policy; The New European Security Achitecture in the Context of Transatlantinc Relations; Methods and Techniques for Dissertation Elaboration.