5th Annual International Conference on Law and Administrative Justice from an Interdisciplinary Perspective

5th Annual International Conference on

Law and Administrative Justice from an

Interdisciplinary Perspective


Organized by:  

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Faculty of Public Administration, Department of Law “Victor Dan Zlătescu”, Bucharest, Romania in partnership with Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic. 

Start Date: 23th of November 2018

End Date: 25th of November 2018

Conference venue: NUPSPA International Conference Centre, Bucharest, Romania

Language of the conference: English

Conference Programme

Book of Abstracts


The topics covered by the conference are:

  1. The Administrative Capacity of the Judicial System;
  1. Human Rights in the New Era;
  1. Citizenship and Immigration in Europe;
  1. New Tendencies in Public Administration Development;
  1. Climate Change: Global Challenges, Local Actions;
  1. Peaceful Settlement of Conflicts and Management.

A workshop for students is scheduled to take place on the 23th of November.

Financial assistance: The organisers do not provide any sponsorship or financial assistance. The travelling and related costs are the responsibility of the presenter.

Registration fee per paper: 100 lei/25 Euro/25 USD.

Fees include conference materials, paper publication, tea and coffee breaks and lunch buffet.

Registration fee must be paid in advance of the event. Walk-in delegates, with payments will be admitted on space availability basis.

Only papers with full registration fees will be published.


Account holder:                Faculty of Public Administration,

National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (NSPSPA)

Reference:                          AIC-LAJIP and "your name" as it appears on the registration form

Fiscal code:                         RO 9510194

Bank:                                    BRD - Victoria

Swift Code:                          BRDEROBU

Bank account:                    Lei:      RO38BRDE445SV19964904450

                               EUR:    RO53BRDE445SV71614194450

                               USD:    RO82BRDE445SV26869454450

Application Procedure:

1.      Please submit a paper proposal:

  • TITLE of the paper in TNR 12 point bold with capital letters on the center;
  • Author’s name in TNR 10 point, on the right, double-space under the title. The first name should use, bold, and the family name, Times New Roman 10, capital letters and bold. The symbol * has to be written next to the family name as a footnote and this has to include information or workplace (for each author separately, if it is the case).
  • Content/body text (not exceeding 200 words) in one paragraph only in TNR 9 point, italics, justify, 2 lines under the author’s name. Objectives of papers, methodology, main results and principal conclusions should be clearly stated.
  • Keywords, 4-6 words that comprise the essence of the article have to be mentioned. They should be listed according to their importance, in English, at 2 lines under the abstract, with Times New Roman 9, italics, justify. 
  • Each author has to mention, after the key words, the paper’s code according to JEL classification (namely the category/ code K for law and economics literature). Please consult JEL Classification to identify the article’s category. 
  • No abbreviations and references.

2.      Please also provide any information about the presentation given and the necessary devices for presentation, publications, and any other relevant information about your research.

3.      In addition to paper proposals, proposals for panels will also be considered. A panel should address a topical issue related to the theme and consists of 5 speakers if possible from different institutions.

4.      For publication the full paper should be written in English using Microsoft Word.  The text should be in TNR font size 10, justify and single line spacing.  The footnotes should use Times New Roman 8.

If the paper is divided in chapters and paragraphs, the chapter’s title will be written Times New Roman10, left, caps lock, bold, double line spacing; the paragraph’s title will be written, Times New Roman10, left, normal, bold, double line spacing.

Both in the body of the text and in the footnotes the following short forms are used: art. (= article); para. (= paragraph); p./pp (= page or pages); t. (= tome); vol. (= volume); G. O. (= Government Ordinance); G. D. (= Government Decision). REFERENCES (books and specialized journals) must be introduced using “Harvard Style”. Please consult:http://www.library.uq.edu.au/training/citation/harvard_6.pdf. For another quoted works (jurisprudence, legislation, websites) please use only footnotes. The document’s name has to be mentioned, its number, the date of ruling/ issuing, the issuing authority (court), and the publication where it is included (The Official Gazette, case law reports etc.). Footnotes will continue on the following pages and won’t start with no.1 on each page.

With the exception of the title, the text and the footnotes of the material have to use normal character format, and, when required, only italics.
The materials (articles, researches) submitted for publication cannot exceed 15 standard pages. 


We would like to share and discuss our findings with academics and practitioners from Romania, Italy and other countries that have the same concerns. Analytical papers capable of offering examples of best practices within the announced fields of interest are highly important. Practitioners’ submissions are not supposed to be research papers but rather short case studies on good or bad practices.

The papers presented within the conference will be published in the International Law Review. The review is included in the international databases: SSRN, EBSCO, ProQuest and VLEX.

Papers submitted after the deadline cannot be published.

Submission procedure:

For participation please submit your

  • Registration form and paper proposal until 1st of November 3rd of October, 2018;
  • Final paper until 28th of December, 2018.

Submit your paper to: law.justice.conference@gmail.com

For registration as participant: please send the Registration form (from the conference’s webpage).


Scientific Committee:

Prof. Emil Bălan, PhD - Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania

Prof. Lucian Chiriac, PhD - Faculty of Economics, Law and Administrative Sciences, “Petru Maior” University, Targu-Mures, Romania

Prof. Christine Desouches, PhD - University Paris I, France

Prof. Maria Soledad Campos Diez, PhD - Faculty of Law, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

Prof. Mircea Duțu, PhD - Legal Research Institute of Romanian Academy

Prof. Nicole Guimezanes, PhD - University Paris XII, France

Prof. Fabio Saitta, PhD - Department of Laws, History, Economics and Society, University “Magna Graecia”, Catanzaro, Italy

Prof. Dan Top, PhD  - Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, "Valahia" University, Targoviste, Romania

Prof. Michele Trimarchi, PhD - Department of Laws, History, Economics and Society, University “Magna Graecia”, Catanzaro, Italy

Prof. Irina Moroianu Zlătescu, PhD - European Agency for Fundamental Rights Agency, MBM, Vienna, Austria

Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania

Prof. Szabo Zsuzsanna, PhD - Faculty of Economics, Law and Administrative Sciences, “Petru Maior” University, Targu-Mures, Romania

Prof. Maria Fodor, PhD - Faculty of Law, Ecological University of Bucharest, Romania

Petr Jüptner, Ph.D., Director of Institute of Political Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. 

Assoc.prof. Victor T. Alistar, PhD - Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania

Assoc.prof. Mihaela V. Cărăușan, PhD - Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania

Assoc.prof. Madalina Cocoșatu, PhD - Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania

Assoc.prof. Andrei Duțu, PhD - Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania

Assoc.prof. Mihaela E. Fodor, PhD - Facultatea de Drept, Universitatea Creștină "Dimitrie Cantemir", Cluj-Napoca

Assoc.prof. Claudia Gilia, PhD - Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, "Valahia" University, Targoviste, Romania

Assoc.prof. Diana Camelia Iancu, PhD - Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania

Assoc. prof. Giuseppe Migali, PhD - Department of Laws, History, Economics and Society, University “Magna Graecia”, Catanzaro, Italy

Assoc.prof. Mircea Aurel Niţă, PhD - Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania

Assoc. prof. Andy Pușcă, PhD - Faculty of Law, University Danubius, Galati, Romania

Assoc.prof. Radu R. Popescu, PhD - Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania

Assoc.prof. Daniela Cristina Valea, PhD - Faculty of Economics, Law and Administrative Sciences, “Petru Maior” University, Targu-Mures, Romania

Researcher Emanuela Macrì, PhD - Department of Laws, History, Economics and Society, University “Magna Graecia”, Catanzaro, Italy

Assistant prof. Bogdan I. Berceanu, PhD - Faculty of Public Administration, National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Bucharest, Romania