11th Annual International Conference on Law and Administrative Justice from an Interdisciplinary Pers


11th Annual International Conference on

Law and Administrative Justice from an

Interdisciplinary Perspective

Hybrid event, organized by: Faculty of Public Administration - Department of Law"V.D.Zlătescu", National University of Political Studies and Public Administration in collaboration with the Centre International de Droit Comparé de l’Environnement (CIDCE).

Start Date: 14th of March 2025 End Date: 15th of March 2025 Conference venue: SNSPA, Expoziției Blvd., room 804 and WEBEX (online), Bucharest, Romania Language of the conference: English

The topics covered by the conference are:

1.     The Administrative Capacity of the Judicial System;

2.     Human Rights in the New Era;

3.     Citizenship and Immigration in Europe;

4.     New Tendencies in Public Administration Development;

5.     Climate Change: Global Challenges, Local Actions;

6.     Public Sector Marketing.

A workshop for students is scheduled to take place on the 14th of March.

Financial assistance: The organizers do not provide sponsorship or financial assistance. Participants will receive access to conference materials and online rooms as needed.

No registration fee for the conference.

Application Procedure:

1.     Please submit a paper proposal:

o   TITLE of the paper in TNR 12 point bold with capital letters on the right;

o   Author’s name in TNR 12 point, aligned to the right, double-space under the title. The symbol * must be added next to the last name as a footnote, including information about the workplace (for each author separately, if applicable);

o   Content/body text (not exceeding 200 words) in one paragraph, TNR 11 point, italics, justified, two lines under the author’s name. Clearly state the objectives, methodology, main results, and principal conclusions;

o   Keywords: 4-6 words that capture the essence of the article, listed by importance, in English, two lines under the abstract, in TNR 11, italics, justified;

o   Each author must mention, after the keywords, the paper’s code according to the JEL classification (namely the category/code K for law and economics literature). Please consult the JEL Classification to identify the article’s category;

o   No abbreviations or references in the abstract.

2.     Please also provide details about your planned presentation and any additional relevant information about your research.

3.     In addition to paper proposals, panel proposals are encouraged. A panel should address a topical issue related to the conference’s theme and consist of at least five speakers from different institutions, if possible. Proposals must include an overview of the panel’s objectives and a brief description of each participant’s contribution.

4.     For publication, the full paper must be written in English using Microsoft Word. The text of the article must adhere to the conference’s paper template. Detailed formatting instructions will be provided on the conference’s webpage.

Outcomes: The conference aims to foster the exchange of ideas and insights among academics and practitioners from Romania and beyond. Analytical papers offering examples of successful experiences or lessons learned from failures within the announced fields of interest are highly appreciated. Practitioners are invited to submit concise case studies that highlight both positive experiences and challenges encountered.

The papers presented at the conference will be published in the International Journal of Law and Jurisprudence - Law Review. The review is indexed in international databases such as CEEOL, HEIonline, EBSCOhost, and ProQuest. Please note that papers submitted after the deadline cannot be published.

Submission procedure:

·       Registration form and paper proposal: Submit by 5th of March 2025;

·       Final paper: Submit by 10th of April 2025.

Submit your paper to: law.conference@administratiepublica.eu.

For registration as a participant: Please send the registration form available on the conference’s webpage.